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Image of student showing their positive certificate
Positive Phone Home

 Ring! Ring! This is Principal Sykes calling with a positive call home. BES students can be nominated for a positive phone call home for doing something positive, amazing and kind. Students in the photos are all smiles because they had this opportunity and their parents were proud. Keep it up BES! 

image of student on sensory path in hallway
Sensory Path

BES has a cool sensory path that was created by our 5th grade students. Students can take a movement break during their learning times. Staff enjoy it too. Liam K. is in the photo taking a movement break with Mr. P. Dillman. 

Image of students working together
Buddy Time

It's buddy time! Each BES classroom has a different grade classroom buddy where they work and learn together. In this photo students completed a STEM project that involved teamwork and fun. 

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  • Our mission at Boylston Elementary School is to support and challenge all students to achieve personal and academic excellence in a student-centered environment.